Types of Estimating Techniques:
1. Scientific wildly assumed guess
2. Global efficiency factor Title -----------
3. Productivity adjustment percent
4. Program evaluation and review, or three-point estimating, technique
Types of Estimating Techniques:
1. Scientific wildly assumed guess
2. Global efficiency factor Title -----------
3. Productivity adjustment percent
4. Program evaluation and review, or three-point estimating, technique
Of all the documents used in project management, none is more important than the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). It is this document that determines how you will manage all the aspects of the project, and this document is absolutely necessary if you want to be a professional project manager.
The WBS comes after the Scope Statement, and it "decomposes" (sic) the scope statement into tasks that form the basis for all the work on the project. The breakdown structure actually takes the larger sections of a project and breaks them into smaller tasks so that the project manager can control and manage the project.
This is a very simple WBS for painting a room. The second task level begins to break down what the project manager will have to do to get the room painted. To more clearly establish the project needs, you will probably need breakdowns in the second level, too. For instance, under the task "Prep Walls," you could have the subtasks to "Clean Walls," "Sand Walls," and "Apply Primer."
The more detail you have for project tasks, the better off you are. I have worked with dozens, even hundreds of different people who prepared a WBS for a given project. One thing you should not do is to get too detailed. Usually four or five levels of tasks are sufficient to give the project manager a complete view of the work to be done. Detail beyond this level is usually not helpful. Using common sense is a good idea. Also using someone who has done WBS before can be helpful.
There are several different ways to develop the WBS with your team. One of the most common is to use yellow sticky notes on a board to make sure everyone has a chance to participate. Make people write down their ideas for tasks to be included in the WBS and get them up on the board. It doesn't matter at first pass how right or wrong the WBS is. You are certainly going to make several versions before putting the WBS under version control, so at the beginning, let everyone have input. If one dominant person is controlling the conversation, you can ask everyone to write down their ideas on the notes, put them up on the board in silence, and only then allow people to critique ideas. By doing this, everyone has an equal chance of showing their concepts about the project and the tasks in which they will be involved.
Here are the key parts so far of developing a WBS:
Everyone is involved.
No one person dominates.
The PM doesn't dominate but rather leads the group through the task at hand.
There are no bad ideas at the beginning.
In order to make sure tasks do not slip through the cracks, you need to get everyone thinking about their own tasks.
Doing this one time isn't enough.
This last point is extremely important. Some first-time PMs go through the WBS process with the team once and believe they have a complete, working WBS. This is usually not true, particularly if the project team hasn't worked together before. Many times, only the major tasks are identified. It may take several days until all of the subtasks are recognized and remembered. A project team with many veterans will probably be able to do a WBS in a shorter period than a team doing something like this for the first time.
One of the techniques is to develop the WBS on a whiteboard with the team and then let it sit for a day or two. Perhaps even have a scribe write out what is on the board and then take down the WBS. This means that any new ideas about tasks will be allowed to come out at the next meeting. Remember that each project is unique, so it is extremely important to think and rethink those tasks that will be unique to the project at hand. If everything on your new project is the same as one before it, you do not have a project at all. It is the changes that make the project a project.
Another major consideration is the final format of your WBS. People on the team should be able to see the WBS and request changes to it, and it should be portable enough so that people do not have to walk to the same place to look at it. The answer to this question is simple.
Microsoft Project is the program of choice for most people working on a breakdown structure. Other excellent ones are available for engineering and construction, such as Primavera. For the standard practicing PM, though, MS Project is the best choice.
So after you have had your team together to create a WBS and put it up on the board, the scribe needs to translate that into MS Project, which isn't a very hard task. Because this is electronic, you can email it to all of the team, changes can be recorded, and version control can be maintained. Not only can version control be maintainedit must be.
The Planning phase of a project is where a project manager can utilize guidance from the PMBOK in order to professionally control the overall planning of the project. This means learning what documents are needed as well as forming a cohesive project plan.
Because this phase is so important, we are going to look at it several times in the book. The other times will be in relationship to knowledge areas. In this section, we are going to examine some key documents you need to produce and the relationship between them. Without these key planning documents, it is almost impossible for a project manager to maintain control over time. It's possible to leave out a few of the documents we are going to discuss, but we will focus on the ones that absolutely, positively must be done for project success.
The Charter is the first major document that is produced in the Initiation phase. After the Charter, the next important document in sequence is the Scope Statement. According to the PMBOK, "Project Scope Management includes the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully." The key phrase in this definition is meant to ensure that you aren't adding anything to the project that shouldn't be there. When the definition says, "only the work required," it means that you as the project manager know the boundaries of the project, and in fact the scope of the project. The process is called Project Scope Management; the major document is the Scope Statement.
You should note that there are actually two types of scope: product scope and project scope. Product scope determines the features and functions of the output of the project. Project scope determines the work to be done in order to deliver that output. The exam will have questions on both, so it is necessary to have these two clear in your mind before you take it.
It's important to note that there are several different levels of deliverables. In a project lasting for six months, you may find that you have deliverables for each week or for every two weeks. Certainly you do not want to have only one big deliverable for the project because you can't manage six months of time without something against which to measure progress. So you should always manage deliverablesthat is, you should be focusing on intermediate deliverables that you can manage and measure. Doing this will make it easier on you as the project manager, and easier on the sponsor and the project team as well.
· How many projects you handled in the past? Deadlines met? On time/ within budget? Obstacles you had to overcome?
· Do you understand milestones, interdependencies? Resource allocation?
· Do you know what Project Software they use and is there training for it?
· Tell me about yourself. (To avoid rambling or becoming flustered, plan your answer.)
· What are your strengths? (Make an exhaustive list and review it exhaustively before the interview.)
· What are your weaknesses?(What you say here can and will be used against you!)
· How would your current (or last) boss describe you?*
· What were your boss's responsibilities? (Interviewers sometimes ask this question to prevent you from having the chance to claim that you did your boss's job. Be ready for it!)
· What's your opinion of them? (Never criticize your past or present boss in an interview. It just makes you look bad!)
· How would your co-workers or subordinates describe you professionally?* (Remember, now is not the time for modesty! Brag a little bit.)
· Why do you want to work for us?
· Why do you want to leave your present employer?
· Why should we hire you over the other finalists?
· What qualities or talents would you bring to the job?*
· Tell me about your accomplishments.
· What is your most important contribution to your last (or current) employer?
· How do you perform under deadline pressure? Give me an example.
· How do you react to criticism? (You try to learn from it, of course!)
· Describe a conflict or disagreement at work in which you were involved. How was it resolved?
· What are two of the biggest problems you've encountered at your job and how did you overcome them?
· Think of a major crisis you've faced at work and explain how you handled it.
· Give me an example of a risk that you took at your job (past or present) and how it turned out.
· What's your managerial style like?
· Have you ever hired employees; and, if so, have they lived up to your expectations?
· What type of performance problems have you encountered in people who report to you, and how did you motivate them to improve?
· Describe a typical day at your present (or last) job.