Overall/Structure Standards
1. Standard EDS COE technology will be utilized for schedule management. This implies that all projects will be managed using MS Project or equivalent (i.e. PIV).
Keyword: COE
2. Project schedules will be managed and controlled according to your projects defined Configuration Management practices.
3. Project schedules will have a Work Breakdown Structure that is deliverable based versus methodology/process based.
WBS Level 0 will contain a meaningful Project name.
WBS Level 1 will contain 4 major life cycle phases: Start Up, Planning, Execution, and Close Down. It will also have a 5th element called Manage and Control which will summarize non-direct activities (i.e. meetings, oversight, reporting, re-planning, etc.) The duration of Manage and Control will span the entire life of the project using recurring tasks
WBS Level 2 will contain high level deliverables, such as contract deliverables or deliverables required to satisfy high level requirements.
WBS Level 3 and lower will contain further breakdown of deliverables or contain the identity of tasks necessary to create deliverables.
For production support schedules, each client work request should be treated as a deliverable. Related client work requests could be bundled as a deliverable whenever possible. Decompose deliverables until you can effectively identify the tasks necessary to create the deliverable. Decompose tasks until you can effectively estimate the effort (work) and resources required.
4. If the project is following an iterative approach, the number of iterations will be determined within Planning. The detail of each iteration will be defined in the Execution phase.
5. Once the Planning Phase is complete and the project is in the execution phase, any re-planning tasks that are needed should be included within Manage and Control.
6. There is one required minimum review at the end of the Planning Phase which is a prerequisite to establishing the project execution and Close Down baseline.
7. The minimum standard project milestones are:
Project Start and Project Finish
Start Up Start and Start Up Finish
Planning Start and Planning Finish
Execution Start and Execution Finish
Close Down Start and Close Down Finish
These are the minimum set of project milestones that are reported up to the programme level. These dates will be derived from the dates of the corresponding summary tasks. No milestones are required for Manage and Control since it spans the life cycle of the project.
8. All schedules will contain the following minimum high level PM deliverables:
Start Up and Planning Phase: Project Plan (components are driven by environmental characteristics. This may require one or more tasks to produce)
Execution Phase: Client defined deliverables
Close Down Phase: Post Project Review (programme/organizational format is discretionary, ongoing projects must have a minimum of one annually)
Manage and Control: Communications (projects are expected to deliver what was defined within the communication plan)
9. Deliverables will be given clear, meaningful names. This standard applies to deliverables at any WBS level. i.e. “Baselined Project Plan”.
10. Schedules names and schedule tasks will not contain special characters:
/ “ ; : < > | [ ] , . ? ~ ‘ ! $ % ^ & * ( ) + = { } \
11. Schedule Quality Analyzer will be run on project schedules on a monthly basis and the schedule must be green or yellow. Red schedules must be corrected. The use of Schedule Quality Analyzer does not apply to roll up schedules, linkage schedules, or milestone schedules. Production support schedules will use the production support weighting option. Evidence must be retained by using the option to store the most current results in Number10 and Date10 on the Project Summary Task. This tool can be installed at any time.
12. All projects will capture and evaluate effort expenditure and schedule performance using Earned Value (EV) measurement. The recommended method is the 0/100 approach. The approach to be used is left to the discretion of the Project Manager. Groups should consider using the EV Analyzer tool. The EV Analyzer tool can be installed at any time. Production Support projects are exempt from EV measurement.
13. In additional to standard schedule fields that come with scheduling tools, all projects will also contain the following custom attributes:
a. Schedule Quality Score (Number10-assigned by the SQA Analyzer tool)
b. Schedule Quality Date (Date10-assigned by the SQA Analyzer tool)
1. Standard EDS COE technology will be utilized for schedule management. This implies that all projects will be managed using MS Project or equivalent (i.e. PIV).
Keyword: COE
2. Project schedules will be managed and controlled according to your projects defined Configuration Management practices.
3. Project schedules will have a Work Breakdown Structure that is deliverable based versus methodology/process based.
WBS Level 0 will contain a meaningful Project name.
WBS Level 1 will contain 4 major life cycle phases: Start Up, Planning, Execution, and Close Down. It will also have a 5th element called Manage and Control which will summarize non-direct activities (i.e. meetings, oversight, reporting, re-planning, etc.) The duration of Manage and Control will span the entire life of the project using recurring tasks
WBS Level 2 will contain high level deliverables, such as contract deliverables or deliverables required to satisfy high level requirements.
WBS Level 3 and lower will contain further breakdown of deliverables or contain the identity of tasks necessary to create deliverables.
For production support schedules, each client work request should be treated as a deliverable. Related client work requests could be bundled as a deliverable whenever possible. Decompose deliverables until you can effectively identify the tasks necessary to create the deliverable. Decompose tasks until you can effectively estimate the effort (work) and resources required.
4. If the project is following an iterative approach, the number of iterations will be determined within Planning. The detail of each iteration will be defined in the Execution phase.
5. Once the Planning Phase is complete and the project is in the execution phase, any re-planning tasks that are needed should be included within Manage and Control.
6. There is one required minimum review at the end of the Planning Phase which is a prerequisite to establishing the project execution and Close Down baseline.
7. The minimum standard project milestones are:
Project Start and Project Finish
Start Up Start and Start Up Finish
Planning Start and Planning Finish
Execution Start and Execution Finish
Close Down Start and Close Down Finish
These are the minimum set of project milestones that are reported up to the programme level. These dates will be derived from the dates of the corresponding summary tasks. No milestones are required for Manage and Control since it spans the life cycle of the project.
8. All schedules will contain the following minimum high level PM deliverables:
Start Up and Planning Phase: Project Plan (components are driven by environmental characteristics. This may require one or more tasks to produce)
Execution Phase: Client defined deliverables
Close Down Phase: Post Project Review (programme/organizational format is discretionary, ongoing projects must have a minimum of one annually)
Manage and Control: Communications (projects are expected to deliver what was defined within the communication plan)
9. Deliverables will be given clear, meaningful names. This standard applies to deliverables at any WBS level. i.e. “Baselined Project Plan”.
10. Schedules names and schedule tasks will not contain special characters:
/ “ ; : < > | [ ] , . ? ~ ‘ ! $ % ^ & * ( ) + = { } \
11. Schedule Quality Analyzer will be run on project schedules on a monthly basis and the schedule must be green or yellow. Red schedules must be corrected. The use of Schedule Quality Analyzer does not apply to roll up schedules, linkage schedules, or milestone schedules. Production support schedules will use the production support weighting option. Evidence must be retained by using the option to store the most current results in Number10 and Date10 on the Project Summary Task. This tool can be installed at any time.
12. All projects will capture and evaluate effort expenditure and schedule performance using Earned Value (EV) measurement. The recommended method is the 0/100 approach. The approach to be used is left to the discretion of the Project Manager. Groups should consider using the EV Analyzer tool. The EV Analyzer tool can be installed at any time. Production Support projects are exempt from EV measurement.
13. In additional to standard schedule fields that come with scheduling tools, all projects will also contain the following custom attributes:
a. Schedule Quality Score (Number10-assigned by the SQA Analyzer tool)
b. Schedule Quality Date (Date10-assigned by the SQA Analyzer tool)