The first half of this book deals with the phases of a project. The final half will deal with the knowledge areas as they are found in the Section. The various knowledge areas permit you to study specific topics in depth, while the phases deal with topical areas that occur throughout a project.
The nine knowledge areas of Section all use the same format. The sections to be studied are in sequence as they would happen in a project. For instance, in the Integration knowledge section, there are seven sections or processes through which you go to execute and manage a project. They are: Develop Project Charter, Develop Preliminary Project Scope Statement, Develop Project Management Plan, Direct and Manage Project Execution, Monitor and Control Project Work, Integrated Change Control, and Close Project.
Within each of these sections are Inputs, Tools and Techniques, and Outputs. This organization greatly corresponds to systems theory, where Inputs are transformed into Outputs by use of throughput. In the PMBOK version, Tools and Techniques are the transformation mechanisms to go from Inputs to Outputs.
Because Section is set up this way, and in order to make it easy to use this book with Section , the Inputs, Tools and Techniques, and Outputs formats will be followed. If there is something that does not fit exactly within these three areas, it will be explored, but only if it is going to be on the exam. So we start the knowledge area section of the book. By studying both sections of this book, you will have a better understanding of the exam topics and different ways to approach them.