We closed out the Monitoring and Controlling process group with this chapter by covering the Perform Quality Control, Scope Verification, and Scope Control processes.
Perform Quality Control monitors work results to sec if they fulfill the quality standards outlined in the quality management plan. Perform Quality Control should occur throughout the life of the project. It uses many tools and techniques. Inspection measures results to determine if the results conform to the quality standards. Attributes arc measurements that cither conform or do not conform. Control charts measure the results of processes over time, and Parcto charts arc histograms that rank-order the most important quality factors by their frequency over time. You should not adjust processes that arc in control; however, you can change these processes to realize improvements.
Scope Verification involves verifying and accepting work results, while Scope Control is concerned with controlling changes to project scope.
Project closure is the most often neglected process of all the project management processes. The two processes in the Closing process group arc Close Project and Contract Closure. The four most important tasks of closure arc as follows:
• Checking the work for completeness and accuracy
• Documenting formal acceptance
• Disseminating project closure information
• Archiving records and lessons learned
Close Project involves checking that the work of the project was completed correctly and to the satisfaction of the stakeholders. Documenting formal acceptance of the product of the project is an important aspect of project closure as well. This assures that the stakeholder or customer is satisfied with the work and that it meets their needs.
Projects come to an end in one of four ways: addition, starvation, integration, or extinction. Addition is when projects evolve into their own business unit. Starvation happens because the project is starved of its resources. Integration occurs when resources arc taken from the existing project and dispersed back into the organization or assigned to other projects. And extinction is the best end because the project was completed, accepted, and closed.
Close Project is performed at the end of each phase of the project as well as at the end of the project. Close Project involves documenting formal acceptance and disseminating notice of acceptance to the stakeholders, customer, and others. All documentation gathered during the project and collected during this process is archived and saved for reference purposes on future projects.
Contract Closure is performed after Close Project and is concerned with settling the contract and completing the contract according to its terms. Its primary outputs include the contract file and formal acceptance and closure (both arc components of the organizational process assets update).
Perform Quality Control monitors work results to sec if they fulfill the quality standards outlined in the quality management plan. Perform Quality Control should occur throughout the life of the project. It uses many tools and techniques. Inspection measures results to determine if the results conform to the quality standards. Attributes arc measurements that cither conform or do not conform. Control charts measure the results of processes over time, and Parcto charts arc histograms that rank-order the most important quality factors by their frequency over time. You should not adjust processes that arc in control; however, you can change these processes to realize improvements.
Scope Verification involves verifying and accepting work results, while Scope Control is concerned with controlling changes to project scope.
Project closure is the most often neglected process of all the project management processes. The two processes in the Closing process group arc Close Project and Contract Closure. The four most important tasks of closure arc as follows:
• Checking the work for completeness and accuracy
• Documenting formal acceptance
• Disseminating project closure information
• Archiving records and lessons learned
Close Project involves checking that the work of the project was completed correctly and to the satisfaction of the stakeholders. Documenting formal acceptance of the product of the project is an important aspect of project closure as well. This assures that the stakeholder or customer is satisfied with the work and that it meets their needs.
Projects come to an end in one of four ways: addition, starvation, integration, or extinction. Addition is when projects evolve into their own business unit. Starvation happens because the project is starved of its resources. Integration occurs when resources arc taken from the existing project and dispersed back into the organization or assigned to other projects. And extinction is the best end because the project was completed, accepted, and closed.
Close Project is performed at the end of each phase of the project as well as at the end of the project. Close Project involves documenting formal acceptance and disseminating notice of acceptance to the stakeholders, customer, and others. All documentation gathered during the project and collected during this process is archived and saved for reference purposes on future projects.
Contract Closure is performed after Close Project and is concerned with settling the contract and completing the contract according to its terms. Its primary outputs include the contract file and formal acceptance and closure (both arc components of the organizational process assets update).