The Activity Duration Estimating process attempts to estimate the work effort, resources, and number of work periods needed to complete each schedule activity. The primary output of this process is the activity duration estimates. These arc quantifiable estimates expressed as the number of work periods needed to complete a schedule activity. Work periods arc usually expressed in hours or days. However, larger projects might express duration in weeks or months. Work periods arc the activity duration estimates, and they become inputs to the project schedule in a later process.
When you're estimating activity duration, you arc estimating the length of time the activity will take to complete, including any elapsed time needed from the beginning to the ending of the activity. For example, let's look at the house-painting project. You estimate that it will take three days, including drying time, to prime the house. Now, let's say priming is scheduled to begin on Saturday, but your crew doesn't work on Sunday. The activity duration in this case is four days, which includes the three days to prime and dry plus the Sunday the crew doesn't work. Most project management software programs will handle this kind of situation automatically.
Progressive elaboration comes into play during this process also. Estimates typically start out at a fairly high level, and as more and more details arc known about the deliverables and their associated activities, the estimates become more accurate. You should rely on those folks who have the most knowledge of the activities you're trying to estimate to help you with this process.
When you're estimating activity duration, you arc estimating the length of time the activity will take to complete, including any elapsed time needed from the beginning to the ending of the activity. For example, let's look at the house-painting project. You estimate that it will take three days, including drying time, to prime the house. Now, let's say priming is scheduled to begin on Saturday, but your crew doesn't work on Sunday. The activity duration in this case is four days, which includes the three days to prime and dry plus the Sunday the crew doesn't work. Most project management software programs will handle this kind of situation automatically.
Progressive elaboration comes into play during this process also. Estimates typically start out at a fairly high level, and as more and more details arc known about the deliverables and their associated activities, the estimates become more accurate. You should rely on those folks who have the most knowledge of the activities you're trying to estimate to help you with this process.