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Activity Duration Estimating Outputs

Everything we've talked about up to this point has brought us to the primary output of this process: the activity duration estimates. The inputs and tools and techniques are used to establish these estimates. As mentioned in the opening of this section, activity' duration estimates arc an estimate of the required work periods needed to complete the activity. This is a quantitative measure usually expressed in hours, weeks, days, or months.

One thing to note about your final estimates as an output to this process is that they should contain a range of possible results. In the cable-running example, you would state the activity duration estimates as " 100 hours - 10 hours" to show that the actual duration will take at least 90 hours and may go as long as 110 hours. Or you could use percentages to express this range.

The other output of Activity Duration Estimating is activity attribute updates. You will update the activity attributes with the duration estimate and the assumptions you used when deriving the estimates.

Now that we have all the activity information in hand, along with a host of other inputs, we're ready to develop the project schedule.